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I’m Not Ticklish …

28 Apr

BUT THESE GUYS ARE!!!  (Actually I am too … )

So last week I purchased a grow kit for some Tickle Me Plants in honor of Earth Day.  Well, I planted them last Saturday afternoon and … well  just look:


(pictured from front to back:  Harvey, Casandra, James Jr., Dildo, Elliot, Chad and Tabitha.)

Not even 72 hours has gone by and these future Ticklers have breached their soil surface.  These are really fun plants, and as you can see you don’t have to wait around for weeks for them to start doing something.  They also make radical gifts.  Buy More Plants!

My Plans For Earth Day: Tickling!

22 Apr

This morning I decided to pick up some more plants for the apartment in honor of Earth Day, and because plants are awesome.  My girlfriend Chelsea has 2 green thumbs and I suppose I do too now!  (look at some of Chelsea’s plants here.)  So I was walking from the train to work when I saw a sales display outside of Urban Outfitters and looky what was on sale:


IT’S A TICKLE ME PLANT!!!  For the low low price of $4.99 you can grow up to 6 tickle me plants!  The Tickle Me Plant, or Mimosa Pudica, is is a creeping annual or perennial herb often grown for its curiosity value: the compound leaves fold inward and droop when touched, re-opening within minutes. The species is native to South America and Central America, but is now a pantropical weed.

This thing is going to be the best Earth Day Ever!

This Plant is Pretty Fly.

22 Sep

So I decided that I am going to start growing Venus Fly Traps. Did you know that the Venus Fly Trap is an herb? I love herbs! I had one when I was probably like 11. My mom got it for me for my birthday and I was so incredibly excited. It lived for a while but eventually wilted and died. (oops.) I originally thought it had died because it ate a delicious spider but I learned this morning that Venus Fly Traps effing love spiders!

This video is pretty impressive. I’m tempted to try to make one of these videos with the venus fly trap that I will be purchasing and raising soon.
