Let’s Call It Foreshadowing …

9 Feb

Imagine really hard.  9:35am, 86 degrees Fahrenheit outside as you’re leaving the coffee shop, (after spending multiple minutes deciding if it’s too nice outside for a warm caffeinated beverage or an ice cold one to counter the suns increasingly warm and welcoming rays.)

Next on your agenda: deciding upon an agenda for the day.  Jumping into a brisk swimming pool is an option for the first time in 2009.  It’s a toss up between that and a long scooter ride through downtown cities, Suburban surrounded parks or leaving the asphalt and side walks behind and seeing if you can get access to the off road trails that rest above the length of the Trinity River.  You’ve got the entire day ahead of you not wanting to waste any of it inside.

Unfortunately It’s still February, and while Texas’ crazy ass winter forecast rewards us evey so often, we’ve still got a good 2 months before we’re spending our days off pool side.

What’s that?!  You need a soundtrack for these dazzling day dreams?  Here you go:


Xylos have fashioned five tracks that bring out my inner tank top and bermuda shorts.  I live for summer and these tracks remind me how much the winter wait is worth.  Download Xylos ‘Bedrooms’ ep here.

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